Welcome to UKirk TCU!

What is UKirk?

UKirk TCU is a community dedicated to following God by engaging with holy scripture, embodying Jesus' unconditional love in the world, and having fun with friends along the way!

Logo of the Presbyterian Church (USA) with a blue background, a white cross, and red flames.

UKirk TCU is the home of the Presbyterian (PCUSA) campus ministry at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, TX.

Any and all backgrounds are represented at UKirk, where we are fully inclusive of LGBTQIA+ individuals and welcome everyone exactly as you are!

So what does UKirk mean?

Our name means "University Church" - "kirk" is an old Scots-English word for church. We are an officially-recognized campus ministry at TCU, and we're also associated with a network of other campus ministries in the Presbyterian Church (USA), but people from all traditions are welcome!

You can learn more about the Presbyterian Church (USA) here